Connecting people within the Menzies Village in James Bay.
We are proposing a purpose-built 44-home rental apartment with ground floor retail space and a dynamic series of townhouses in the heart of the Menzies Village Neighbourhood. This proposal takes steps towards creating car-free housing and commercial space for a diverse mix of ages and abilities.
We look forward to sharing our plans with you.
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Please scroll through the subsequent sections on this page to learn more about our proposal. We encourage you to reach out anytime to our team to discuss this proposal, provide your feedback and to share your support.
Project Team:
A diverse group of local, experienced professionals with a hands-on record for delivering successful building and housing projects within the James Bay neighbourhood and elsewhere in the City of Victoria.
Builder and Operator: Mike Geric Construction
Project Architect and Coordinator: Continuum Architecture
Landscape Architect: Forsite Landscape Architecture

Project Principles
The following design principles informed our site planning and architectural redesign of this proposal. The initial submission was for a 46-home rental building with no commercial space on the ground floor and additional site coverage and significantly less setbacks. We have refined our building design to address feedback we heard from the City Planning staff as well as from our neighbours and the broader James Bay Neighbourhood Association.
The following principles have been established by our team and continue to guide this application:
Diversity of Housing
This strategic location presents an opportunity to create a diverse range of much-needed rental housing for seniors, local employees, students, and families. Our goal was to create a thoughtful mix of housing for people to thrive in James Bay no matter what stage of life they are at.
Exceptional Public Realm
The developmentenhancesthe Menzies Street commercial village through the creation of an attractive and vibrant commercial street frontage that will work to meet the needs of James Bay residents today and in the future.
Neighbourhood Integration
We have challenged our design team to re - envision this submission to create a development which enhances the neighbourhood from all perspectives. We have included a generous rear yard setback which both protects significant on-site and neighbouring trees.
Low-Impact Lifestyle
The low-profile four-storey design and elimination of the underground parking area both reduces our immediate impact on neighbours through construction and excavation but it also will ensure the life of this building will provide a lower-impact lifestyle for residents and commercial tenants alike.
Property Context
Property Context
The three lots are located in the 100 - block of Menzies Street on the south-end of the James Bay Village. The property is walking distance from a great mix of shops, parks, Victoria's Inner Harbour, the Provincial Parliament buildings, the downtown shopping and office district.
The subject properties are located just steps from Thrifty Foods, local cafes and restaurants, and all the amenities of the James Bay Village. The property is served immediately by the number 3 bus route which provides frequent, local trips through James Bay and connections beyond as well as the 96 route which connects to downtown, UVic and Camosun, and routes beyond.
Existing Homes.
The three existing homes are slated to be removed for the purpose of this redevelopment. Mike Geric Construction is still exploring a range of opportunities for the salvage of these homes. We are currently discussing:
finding a partner with available land elsewhere in the City of Victoria or region to relocate homes;
finding a partner with available land elsewhere along the West Coast where the homes can be relocated; and/or
unbuilding the homes to a standard which preserves critical items that can be re-used for other home redevelopments within the region and preserves any items with any unique aesthetic qualities.

Proposal Renderings
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Proposal Data Snapshot

Neighbourhood Engagement
The previous submission for redevelopment of this project was met with some significant concern from immediate neighbours and from the James Bay Neighbourhood Association. The previous application had proposed more residential units (46) proposed, no commercial space and saw a more substantial underground parking and building footprint.
Following our CALUC meeting and neighbourhood discussions, our design team carefully reviewed the feedback and has crafted an application which significantly responds to what we heard. This new application also better conforms to the residential infill design guidelines and best practices supported by the City of Victoria.
Community Meetings to Date.
June, 2022 - Initial Development Review Committee Meeting with the James Bay Neighbourhood Association.
June, 2022 - Mail drop to affected neighbours on Menzies and Medana Streets.
July 13, 2022 - CALUC meeting with the James Bay Neighbourhood Association and affected neighbours.
July 2022 - Initial submission to the City of Victoria for a 46-unit market and below market rental building in partnership with the Capital Regional Housing Corporation.
March, 2023 - Updated application shared with the Development Review Committee.
March 14, 2023 - Neighbourhood meeting at the New Horizons Centre.
May 31, 2023 - Application submitted to the City of Victoria.
June 14, 2023 - Updated CALUC meeting with the James Bay Neighbourhood Association and affected neighbours. The link to this application presentation can be found here.
December 12, 2023 - Updated submission provided to the City of Victoria. Link to the City of Victoria's Development Tracker is here.
Summary of our Submission Improvements.
The proposed building would result in loss of neighbouring trees and create an imposing rear yard setback to the traditional residential neighbours.
The wide parkade excavation will negatively impact neighbours and their landscaping.
Four storey massing along the south property line does not adequately step down to match the existing neighbourhood condition to the south of this property.
Would like to see additional family-oriented homes provided in this neighbourhood.
Lack of placemaking and vibrancy with this development.
Building height and neighbouring overlook. Especially raised by those neighbours to the east of this property.
Neighbours provided feedback regarding the impact of excavation from neighbouring developments. They requested that we consider reducing the scope of underground earthworks.
Resubmission Response:
The overall building width has been reduced by 3m. This has created a 7m rear yard setback from back of building envelope to the rear fence line.
Resubmission Response:
Parkade width has been reduced by 4m. This has created a 6m rear yard setback from the neighbouring properties.
Resubmission Response:
We have added three storey townhomes on the south property line. These townhomes will be the same relative height as the neighbouring properties to the south and to the west.
Resubmission Response:
We have created 4 ground-oriented 3-bedroom units. The intent is to have all with yard access to create a family-friendly design and atmosphere.
Resubmission Response:
We have provided a space for a commercial unit at grade. This will also continuity between this property and the five corners intersection. From a design perspective, we have a brick façade and awning condition to create a vibrant and consistent street presence with the neighbourhood.
Resubmission Response:
We have raised rear building windows to help reduce overlook impacts.
Resubmission Response:
The updated submission has eliminated all significant earthworks through the reduction of the underground parkade and service areas. This will result in a faster construction schedule and reduced impact to nearby homes with heritage qualities due to the eliminated requirement for rock blasting and earthworks.

We'd love to hear from you!
Let's connect and discuss our proposal.